Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

RIP Tom Kenny, Pengisi Suara Spongebob HOAX!!

Pasti pada ga suka sama suara spongebob yang sekarang, karena freak. Dan mulai munculah berita kalo Tom Kenny meninggal, terutama di twitter, terus nyebar deh. Nih gua kasih tau. Sebenernya ini cuman HOAX aja. Tom Kenny tuh belom mati.
Baca nih.
Actually, Tom Kenny is NOT dead! This news is just an annual hoax which have spread since 3 years ago. Please STOP spreading the HOAX and don’t be sad to all Spongebob lovers (http://www.whatthetrend.com/trend/RIP%20Tom%20Kenny)
Dari yang lain.
Tom Kenny Dead? Did Tom Kenny Die? Is this a rumor? These are the typical questions circling around Twitter right now.

Tom Kenny Reported Dead... False
This is a… RUMOR!  Actor, voice actor and producer Tom Kenny did not die!  The 48 Year old Star of hit TV Show, Spongebob, was reported dead via.. Twitter.  Apparently this rumor surfaces about once a year but we are here to SQUASH this RUMOR!
There ya have it… the RIP Tom Kenny Trend on twitter is in fact.. a RUMOR! (http://omgwire.com/2011/06/30/rip-tom-kenny-dead-rumor-or-truth-2011/)
Tuh jadi jangan pada kecewa. Sekali lagi, itu cuman HOAX aja.Death isn’t a funny joke to tell on world wide.
sumber: http://crispyyy.wordpress.com/2011/06/30/rip-tom-kenny/

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